Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

tugas catatan synonyms

Today is Wednesday, october 19 2016 and college today is about synonyms of verbs and adverbs for academic english.
As we know synonym is the same words. Why is a synonym is necessary? The answer’s so simple, so that we are not dependent on one said that’s all.
Inilah beberapa synonims verb :
1.      Obliterate        =          Destroyed       (melenyapkan/menghapuskan)
2.      Severed           =          Cut                  (memotong/menghentikan)
3.      Conceve          =          Create              (menciptakan sesuatu)
4.      Tolerate           =          Allow              (mentoleransi)
5.      Ingest              =          Consume         (mencernakan)
6.      Pacify              =          Calm”down’’  (menenangkan)
7.      Calibrate          =          Adjust             (menyesuaikan)
8.      Magnify          =          Enlarge            (memperbesar)
9.      Incentivize      =          Support           (mendorong)
10.  Speculate         =          Theorize          (berteori)
11.  Levitate           =          Float                (mengapung)
12.  Illustrate          =          Exemplify       (menggambarkan)
13.  Elcuidate         =          Clarify             (pebentahan)
14.  Impede                        =          Interfere          (menghalangi)
15.  Advocate        =          Motivate          (menganjurkan)

Example for synonym
1.    I can tolerate cold weather but not hot weather.
2.       Everyone can feed the database to illustrate new vocabulary.

Inilah beberapa synonyms adverbs:
1.      Methodically               =          Systematically             (sesuai metode)
2.      Bergrudgingly             =          Resentfully                  (dengan menyesal)
3.      Amicably                     =          Quitely                                    (secara damai)
4.      Fiercely                       =          Severely                      (dengan ganas)
5.      Unintelligibly              =          Unclearly                     (tidak bisa dipahami)
6.      Sporadically                =          Occasionally                (tidak sporadis)
7.      Unequivocally             =          Indisputably                (dengan tegas)
8.      Zealously                     =          Eagerly                        (dengan rajin)
9.      Laboriously                 =          Painfully                      (dengan susah payah)
10.  Earnestly                     =          Decisively                   (dengan jelas)
11.  Indisputably                =          Indisputably                ()tidak dapat disangka
12.  Definitively                 =          Absolutely                   (dengan pasti)
13.  Faintly                         =          Weakly                        (demgan lemah)
14.  Discreetly                    =          Privately                      (dengan hati-hati)

Exemple for kalimat synonyms adverbs
1.      I am glad that the matter was settled amicably
2. He is very zealously in his study of English.

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