Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

tugas 3

Hi, i come back again with the thrid post. In this time I will discuss about “what items can’t be left?” I think the items that should be in my bag are like cellular phone, wallet, sometimes make-up, perfume and mukena. But, I rarely bring mukena in my bag. For some reason, these goods should be in my bag. I think make-up and perfume can make me look more beautiful. The other important things that can’t be left are cellular phone and wallet.
Now I am going to tell you stories  about some items that unfortunately left. A few days ago, exactly on Wednesday morning. I was at my home and charging my cellular phone. Because I was in a hurry going to college, I immediately ask my parents for leave. Consequently, I forgot to bring my cellular phone. And I realized this when I had been at campus. This situation made me feel inconvenience. I felt it when I’m not bringing my cellular phone, for some reason and I don’t know why. At the rest time I decided to go home, to take my cellular phone.

Continue to the second story.while I was shopping in a supermarket. At the time I went shopping alone and to find some personal need.when I want to give the cashier. I was surprised, no purse in my bag. At the time I really forgot the wallet still on my bed. Luckily, I bring my cellular phone, and then I contacted my sister, and she immediately deliver the wallet to the supermarket that I visited.

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